High Frequency heated system (induction). – Optimal temperature loss assistant function. – Lead-Free soldering possible. – Minimization of mistake in soldering by maintaining a uniform temperature during the soldering process. – Temperature sensor functions are inside the tip. – The temperature control is made at the end of the soldering tip. – Digital 3 stage temperature setting function (setting temerature evey 1 degree is possible). – Workers tiredness is decreased due to small iron. – EMS functions in iron tip. – Includes an automatic sleep mode to prevent soldering tip to oxyde, and makes exchange cycle of the tip longer. – With Soldering irons heated by induction , there is almost no temperature loss when the tip of the iron gets in contact the lead. This is due to high frequency heating. On the graphic, you can see the temperature loss measured between a regular soldering iron and our high frequency soldering iron. This unit is of course Lead Free compatible.